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"I am sending you this email in acknowledgment of the wonderful job our Straits of Kitchen does here at Curwen Primary school. The options that are easy to our children and staff are excellent and the meals range from fresh baked gelt, to cakes made from scratch giving us a realistic home-cooked feel. The dower sizes are handsome so you ne'er go hungry nowadays.
Lisa is always voluntary to contribute to cultivate events and for our summertime fair in July, she cooked burgers to betray to the parents – this was a first and it was a very hot stall serving us raise important monetary resource for school. She is also forthwith providing school with hot cooked meals on INSET saving us from dried out sandwiches! In September when we came cover to act upon, all the staff had the chance to have a cooked meal which allowed us the perfect chance to unify and share what we did finished the holidays.
These are just a few things that I have mentioned and I am steady there are many Sir Thomas More simply I just now wanted you to know well-nig the wonderful turn she does. She is a true asset to your company and is now a precious member of Curwen. I truly feel her firmly work, rage and commitment should be highly commended."
Peter and his staff ever go to a higher place and beyond what is foretold of them, they are forever kind even at short mark. Their relationships to staff , visitors and especially the students is warning. They are always happy in their work which is mirrored in the welcoming atmosphere of the dining hall.
The students like the food which is always presented to a rattling high standard. In the words of one yr 9 student "school dinners are better than my Mum's dinners" which I think is praise indeed.
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